
1On 12 June 2024, the first national workshop organised within the framework of the Ready4NetZero project took place in Jadwisin for representatives of the participating Polish pilot cities. The workshop was attended by representatives of the city of Cieszyn, Siemiatycze and Piastów.

All invited guests were welcomed by Anna Jaskuła, director of the Association of Municipalities Polish Network “Energie Cités” office. Then Izabela Kuśnierz, project manager at the Association, reminded the audience about the main assumptions of the project and planned events. After the introduction, the floor was taken by representatives of the pilot cities, who presented the main principles of the long-term strategic documents of their local authorities.

2The first to speak were representatives of the City of Cieszyn, Przemysław Major, II Deputy Mayor, and Eryk Stępień, the Representative of the Mayor for energy efficiency, who presented the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP), according to which the city has set itself the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by at least 40% by 2030 in reference to the 1995 base year. By 2050, in turn, it is planned to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 80%. The City of Cieszyn is focusing on the development of renewable energy sources and a sustainable transport system. As part of the Operational Programme for Technical Assistance (POPT) 2014-2020, documentation for the construction of 16 photovoltaic installations on public facilities has been prepared. In addition, more electric buses are planned to be purchased in 2024 from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management to serve public transport. Cieszyn also focuses on strengthening the resilience to climate change by adapting to its negative effects. The city is aiming for self-sufficiency, which is confirmed by its pro-ecological vision. 

3The following presentation on the two strategic documents: SECAP and the Urban Adaptation Plan was given by Ireneusz Bieńkowski, Project Coordinator from the City of Piastów. In line with its vision, Piastów wants to be a city that cares about the health and safety of its inhabitants in terms of the changing climate and a city that cares about sustainable development in all sectors. The City of Piastów is implementing numerous investments related to the development of green infrastructure – rain gardens, green bus stops and green roofs. Since 2020, Piastów has been active in the LeadAir programme, which includes thermal modernisation of buildings, development of low-carbon energy-based infrastructure and replacement of street lighting. As a result of the measures taken, the City is leading in the percentage reduction of PM2.5 emissions. Piastów plans to continue its efforts, and one of the next steps is to drill a second geothermal well to provide the City with green and clean energy.

4The last speaker from the representatives of the pilot cities was Agnieszka Koc, Deputy Head of Infrastructure Department at Siemiatycze City Hall, who familiarised the audience with the Low Emission Economy Plan developed by the City and updated in 2021. The main strategic goal of the plan is to improve the air quality and living comfort of the residents of Siemiatycze by reducing air pollutants and final energy consumption in all sectors. To achieve this, the City is investing in the deep modernisation of public buildings, the development of renewable energy sources and green spaces. In addition, an International Centre for Environmental Education East-West has been established in Siemiatycze, which also includes an indoor swimming pool. The facility uses and promotes renewable energy sources, introducing the principles to which the design of modern public buildings and housing should follow. The building has been awarded the Polish A+ energy efficiency building certificate, which means that the facility has the energy efficiency characteristics of a passive building. 

5The presentations by the pilot cities' representatives were followed by a workshop part entitled Designing pathways for local long-term climate strategies. Tomasz Pawelec, expert from the Association of Municipalities Polish Network “Energie Cités”, gave a brief introduction on European climate policy and the current international legal conditions. Then Izabela Kuśnierz, project manager from the Association, discussed the concept of the workshop and the most important objectives of the European Union's climate policy until 2050. Following this introduction, participants were asked to write down the measures planned to be implemented by their city in the coming years and place them on a prepared timeline. Participants indicated the necessary development of renewable energy sources and funding for residents' installations. In addition, they emphasised the need for deep thermal modernisation and the replacement of inefficient heat sources. 

We would like to thank everyone for their attendance, commitment and active participation in the first national workshop!

Ready4NetZero is a EUKI funded project coordinated by the Polish Network “ENERGIE CITÉS”, with a consortium formed of the Ecologic Institute from Germany, ENERGIAKLUB from Hungary, REGEA from Croatia, and Energy Cities Romania. Ready4NetZero aims to support cities from the participating countries in developing and implementing 2050 climate neutrality strategies and seeks to do this by building capacity, knowledge, and skills among local leaders, municipal staff, and local stakeholders, facilitating experiences exchange and dialogue between local authorities.